Current Event # 1.2

1. There are 5000 refugees.

2. You would find two slides, rope swing.

3. Amazon is the new owner of Whole Foods.

4. I would download Brevity and Writepad to help me with note taking.

5. I have gone to none.

Luckily I don't have anyone in my family impacted by the hurricane. If I know a hurricane is about to hit where I live I would take the necessary and leave somewhere where the hurricane is less or not impacted. The state and federal government should be responsible to fix anything damaged like roads, street signs, traffic lights, trees thrown to the floor, buildings(houses), anything blown off, and more. I think the government should be responsible for private properties because of money issue and the people having no homes, meanwhile. Climate change played a role because it's what made destruction in many parts than others.


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