Robots in Our World

Robots have been modernized as the time has gone by. But have you ever heard of robots that look like humans. Well they can do a million things that a human can't do. They can solve math problems in less than a second, they can fly, they have super strength, eye-lasers and even more. But like everything robot are not perfect. These robots cant eat, get wet, and if they ever get hurt their parts are in danger of being broken. Scientists have have to program their robots to do certain things they want their robots to do. Like any robot, robots don't have feelings, but I know a story of a robot who got to know what feelings really are.

Her name is Franky. She was created by Sofia, and awesome scientist. It took Sofia five years to create Franky. Once she was created, Sofia decided to take her home with her husband Will and their daughter Claire. They were going to live like a family. Sofia also wanted Franky to go to school like any normal teenager, even when Franky knew everything. Sofia's main goal was for Franky to humanize, but for that to happen Franky had to live with humans. When Franky got to her new home as soon as she got in she gout out. She wanted to know the outside world.

It started to rain, and robots of any kind cant get wet, at least not yet. Franky saw a boy with an umbrella. She ran up to him and told him if he didn't give her the umbrella she will have a short circuit. He didn't understand but when they both looked straight in the eyes, everything changed. Franky took the umbrella and left. Next day was Frankie's first day of school. She met new people that became her friends. Sofia told her never to reveal her secret to anyone. Neither show her abilities or make someone suspect she was a robot. She saw that she and  the "umbrella boy" go to the same school. His name was Christian. Christian fell in love with Franky. How can this love be possible for him if robots don't have feelings.

As the days went by, Franky was learning more and more about humans. She always had to be careful of her secret and trying to be as human as possible. Franky had started to like and dislike things. Wait what, Franky is now having feelings? Yes and Sofia was little by little discovering this. Franky was special and someone in particular knew that, Christian. Christian knew Franky was special and wanted to be with her. Franky  never realized she had feelings for Christian. How could she if she doesn't have a heart. Christian got Franky to like him with everything that he did for her. Franky realized that she couldn't live without him. She didn't get him out of her thoughts.

After a while, Franky was entered on a competition of the five best robots in the world. The winner would receive a heart full of feelings. While Franky was on the competition she told her mom what she felt for Christian and she wanted to tell him she was a robot. She didn't want to hide him anything. But Sofia said no. And Franky left to tell Christian. She told him she was a robot and showed him all her abilities. He couldn't believe it. And if he really loved her he wouldn't care what she is. A lightning struck Franky and she was struck out. Christian took her to Sofia which she was still in the competition. Sofia got to fix Franky and bring her back. Franky won the competition and got her heart. Franky and Christian promised a pact of peace between humans and robots and both lived happily as human-robots.


  1. You had some minor tense issues and a few places where more careful editing would have made the story read better. I like the premises of the piece and it is a compelling story, especially in today's world. I liked where you took the story. Nice work.


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