Feature Writing Preview

1.Feature writing has much more information it has triple the words a lede would have.
2.a. Who-second
b. What-third
c. Where-second
d. When-third
e. Why-third
f. How-third
3.yes there are quotes
4.The quotes are arranged in quote transition style
5.Ted Williams, Kevin McLoughlin, Doral Chenoweth III, Ken Andrews, Tony Florentino,
Shane Cormier, Patrick Harris
6."We could make him millionaire" is powerful to me because this means the mans voice is really worth it and it is really good to make him millionaire.
7.33 paragraphs
8.765 words
9.The start and the finish is "That voice" 
10.To show that his voice is significant and powerful
11.not really I did think it was cool but I didn't find anything interesting.
13.A better understanding of the mans voice and his background.
14.Yes it probably wouldn't be interesting at all
16.by saying it was a gift this man his amazing voice with him.


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