Opinion piece

Is forced volunteerism good or bad?
 There are many junior and high schools over the country that require students to do certain number of hours of volunteering or community service.

I think that volunteering is good for any person. Everyone should do it. But it shouldn't be forced upon someone who doesn't want to do it. Instead of schools forcing their students to do some community service they should promote it around their school for a certain amount of credits. If the school gives a certain amount of credits the student will not be forced but will be given options to receive credits by giving community service.

Students choose community service for many reasons. For some students this will help them graduate or apply for a scholarship for college. And this also helps them in their future.

If a school feels that their students should try community service then they should plan 1-2 field trips a year and show and support community service. I would feel much better like this than making students make certain hours of service.

Like I said the schools should promote service around the school like giving announcements, offering clubs after school to do some king of service. I think that when a school is open to many service opportunities they are a good school.

I've seen many juniors and seniors doing some type of volunteer work a schools, shelters, hospitals, etc. and it helps them in a educational way and emotional way. Some of these students did it to help them get credits, apply for a scholarship or just to do it, but some thought it was fun and kept doing it.

Some students may think it will help them and doing community service by the school will be good but it should not be forced instead students do something around the school without anything being so hard for any student to do.


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