C.E #5.2

Short Answer
1. 300,000-400,000 people are expected
2.who get to take on gov. greg abbot, 18 plus 4 equals 21, big names in williamson country judge race
3.They pay student loans and are scared of debt
4.The shape of water won best picture
5. To serve healthy foods and fitness activities like yoga

Long Response
1.Guns should not be controlled because the people would not have opportunity to defend themselves.Guns give people opportunity for defense. If guns were controlled then there would be more crime like robbery and no one will be able to defend themselves. Although restrictions with guns should be put like a certain age or ID for a legal buying gun and not selling guns to whoever.
2.The response will be the same like any other school shooting, they would want to control guns
3.No this riffle should not be banned but it should not be put to sale to who ever wants one, there should be restrictions to buy one of those rifles.
4.Me and my family think that this is a serious issue but we don't agree with people who want gun control.
5. I have opinions but I leave them to myself. I may not agree with laws or changes but I wouldn't protest or make a march and go against the laws.


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