SNO Online Papers

Removal of confederate statue proving problematic

1.Emma Ruby was the writer of this story.
2.The story is about the removal of Confederate general Robert E. Lee statue.
3."When I heard that the city I commonly associate myself with had voted to remove the statues I was proud." 
4. "As removal crews began this process, a temporary restraining given to the Sons of Confederate Veteranswas delivered to the removal crew. The restraining order accused the Dallas City Council of acting improperly on their “Orwellian Agenda,”
6.There are no quotes.
7.1st person

IOS 11: Pros & Cons

1.Madeline Cannon
2.The story is about the new features in the IOS 11.
3."The new update is a step further toward more technologic advancements and we can’t wait to see what Apple has in store for us in the next update." quotes
7.1st person

Trump declares the possible end to DACA program

1.Dee Carson
2.The story is about Trump ending the DACA program
3.My initial thoughts when I first heard this was ‘what was he thinking?!’, though I am a documented citizen, I was still horrified at thought that this program has now become, what Vox suggests as, a ‘ticking time bomb for 800,000 immigrants’.
4.what he said when they announced his decision to end DACA, saying that the program “denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans allowing those same illegal aliens to take those jobs.”
5.Yes kind of the author was debating on which side they were on. 
6.Yes just 2 quotes
7.1st person


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