
Showing posts from December, 2017

Opinion piece

Is forced volunteerism good or bad?  There are many junior and high  schools over the country that require students to do certain number of hours of volunteering or community service. I think that volunteering is good for any person. Everyone should do it. But it shouldn't be forced upon someone who doesn't want to do it. Instead of schools forcing their students to do some community service they should promote it around their school for a certain amount of credits. If the school gives a certain amount of credits the student will not be forced but will be given options to receive credits by giving community service. Students choose community service for many reasons. For some students this will help them graduate or apply for a scholarship for college.  And this also helps them in their future. If a school feels that  their students should try community service then they shou...

Story #2

A 19-year-old shoplifter dies last Saturday. The police found out it was a Timothy Milan. He worked as a cook at a restaurant. A guard from Panzer's Department store saw Milan stuff some sweaters down his pants and left out of the department store passing the checkout line. When the guard saw this he began to chase Milan who began to run. Also three bystanders ran after him too. They caught up to him but he resisted and fought back but one bystander put a headlock to him. "We went outside to see what was going to happen and we saw the boy get dragged to the ground," eye witness Sherry Carter said.  "They were fighting alright, but it looked like all four of them were pulling at him and he finally stopped moving." When a police arrived and cuffed Milan up he collapsed. Later the autopsy determined the cause of the death was not enough oxygen to the brain. Police believes that Milan should have never done this. "Milan should never have run fro...

Feature Story

Story David Berardo and his wife Cristina took the decision to immigrate to the United states when he was 27, in the November of 1999. He was decided and saw many reasons to come here. He saw the future was not in Argentina but the U.S. He had to leave many things behind that at first was hard to do but the experience of immigrating completely changed his life. David and his wife felt a feeling so strong to take the decision and immigrate to the United States. He knew there were risks, but he did it anyway. He also knew that coming here was going to be really difficult but he was willing to do what it took. David saw that the main reason to come here was to study and get a degree applying this to his wife too. David knew the education here was better. The decision on where to situate themselves was Utah. “We chose Utah because they were the first to accept us in a college and it was exciting for us to actually make a dream come true, so we took that and decided to live the...

Peer Critique

1.Mela Patel, Rashmi Patel, Pratik Patel 2.Mela Patel being grandam and mother immigrated from India. She is nice and caring to the poor people after all the poverty she lived in India. 3.22 paragraphs 4.926 words 5.9 6.Rashmi Patel and Pratik Patel 7."Ever since I was little my mom has told me to be grateful for what you have because in a matter of  seconds that can be taken, 8.end 9.It was a quote but yes it captured my attention. 10.Someone else form her family 11.the story is objective 12.No 13.A strong woman survived through poverty. 14.I think this story is well written. I liked the story mainly because the main source perspective was really good. Her opinions were agreeable. 15.91


1.David Berardo 2.David Berardo immigrated to the United States with his wife to study. Leaving the country was hard and there were struggles here. 3.24 paragraphs 4.907 words 5.10 one 7."What I learned here I wouldn't have learned in Argentina." 8.end 9.yes grandpa 11.story is objective 13.A man who came to the US for new hopes 14.I like the story and all the quotes. I never get tired of hearing what my parents have to say about when they got there so this story has all the main points of  their story that I really like. 15.88-90

Feature Story draft

Feature Story draft

Current Events

1.swim star Sean Foley 2.He believes the public should be free to use the land. 3.keep up with inflation, to offer competitive pay for faculty and staff members, and to address deferred maintenance of laboratories and classrooms. 4.Baker Mayfield Oklahoma, Lamar Jackson Louisville, Bryce Love Stanford 5.Daddys home 2 because I've seen the first one and I want to see the second. Long Response 1.If I were Michael Flynn I would feel offended. It was disrespectful. 2.No I think if you fired someone it wouldn't be by social media and he probably just did to get the problem out of his way when he should have resolved it like a civilized man. I think that is not being responsible. 3.No twitter is not the appropriate media to start fights on neither any other social media. If he has problems with his enemies the he should resolve it for himself and not make other people waist their time reading how the president fights with other people. 4.Twitter should be used for social pu...